East Riding of Yorkshire News

02 Aug 2022

Take part in the draft Climate Change Strategy survey

Take part in the draft Climate Change Strategy survey: Climate Change Strategy

East Riding of Yorkshire Council are seeking to gather public views via a survey after developing draft material for a Climate Change Strategy. The Strategy will set out the local authority’s vision and ambitions around climate change across the East Riding and highlights opportunities for future action. 

The council hopes that the strategy inspires residents to consider their own impact on the climate. Every action counts and success in tackling climate change can only be achieved by working together.

The climate of the East Riding is changing, and as a result the area is likely to experience warmer temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, more frequent extreme weather events as well as rising sea levels. Climate change will impact everyone, however future generations will have to live with the consequences for significantly longer, therefore we all need to make important changes to the way we live and work to reduce the scale of climatic changes.

This survey has been created to gather public views on the draft material for the Climate Change Strategy, so we can create a document that truly reflects the views of residents on climate change across the authority area. Ahead of completing the survey, the council would encourage residents to spend time reading through the summary document provided here, which sets out the key draft information for the Climate Change Strategy.

At the end of the survey, participants will have the opportunity to take part in a climate friendly prize draw.

The council would like to thank residents in advance for their time and effort in completing this survey and for their support in the development of the Climate Change Strategy.

Take part in the draft Climate Change Strategy survey here.

All responses should be received no later than Sunday, 25 September 2022.

Councillor Chris Matthews, portfolio holder for environment and climate change at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “The council has declared a climate emergency and committed to developing a Climate Change Strategy. Draft material for our Climate Change Strategy has been prepared and a public consultation is now live. 

“I would ask that residents take a few minutes to look at the draft material and let us know their views on climate change and the approach of the strategy.” 

While people are urged to view the documents online, a limited number of physical copies of the survey and draft material can be found at the council’s libraries, customer service centres and multi-service centres.

Contact Information

Sam Holtby
Public Relations Officer
East Riding of Yorkshire Council